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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Epic game, love the gameplay!

also bean 👍

10/10 game

(1 edit)

Bean 👍

10/10 game.

Now that is some great art design. Very nice and short experience. And the pun was a 10/10.

Over all 8.5/10.

Thanks, I was really happy with the end scene, the first time I had ever done something like that.

Colour palette worked really nicely, and the art in general looks good. 

Over all 7/10

Love the art, works really well with the whole Halloween theme, I especially liked the death animation. Mechanics are well made too.

Over all 10/10

Art work looks great, controls are smooth and responsive and you even added a minimap which was a nice addition. Wall jumping is a bit weirdly made tho.

Over all a solid 9.5/10

Love it, no complaints. Really good name too.


Controls are not very good, the art looks nice though.

Over all a solid 6 / 10

10/10 for the big legs, the gun is pretty well made, but I would've appreciated jumping.

Over all 8/10

The areas where the player loses the game by falling weren't quite set up correctly and so you would die from going too far down on the platform, but it has been fixed now. And thanks for your comment! :D

Thanks! This has been a great learning experience, and all input is appreciated! We'll be looking out for that in the future.

There's a lot of potential in this game, I like the concept. I hope to see this game be developed further!