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A member registered Dec 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm happy to hear that, the next version is going to be a lot better than this one.

Thank you, you make some great points. I don't know about adding narrative context, I'll give it a thought, but this game definitely needs a remake to make it a bit more solid

This game would be really cool in VR, and even cooler if you guys colaborated with chemists and created a system where the player can navigate the game in VR and smells would get dispenced in real time depending on what the player is smelling in the game

Also there's some weird constant flickering of lights in the distance.

Cool game idea and nice aesthetics.

Really cool game, I wish it was longer. Keep up the good work!

What  would you say is the relationship between this game and "It's Winter" ?

Thank you so much for your feedback. Some scenes are from older dreams and some from dreams I had during those four months. The shrinking black room  for example is an exact remake of a dream, the same goes for the pink hand inside the cupboard/safe. The pink hand was a visual metaphor for feelings and caring, for the tenderness of someone's touch. The two connected towers symbolize the connection between two people, the bridge is the bond between them and together they form one structure.

I'll be happy to answer any more questions or hear your interpretation of various scenes in the game 

Interesting game but it feels incomplete both regarding the story and its mechanics, the mechanics feel very restrictive and are not very enjoyable. I liked the fact that it has alternative endings, and the bizzare vague stories. Maybe you should expand on it a little bit, I would love to see what games you'll make next.

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Thank you, I'm happy you liked it!

No it's not a horror game, it's not scary

I had no such issues, grabbing and tossing things around was a lot of fun. The camera felt a bit weird at the beginning but you quickly get used to it and it feels fine