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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aber: Gute Ideen! Da scheint ein Team Spaß am Entwickeln gehabt zu haben. :D schickschick!

Horror ist ambitioniert zu tacklen, als Genre. Viel Erfolg weiterhin! Leider hab ich in diesem build die Steuerung noch nicht so ganz gerafft.

Danke für Test und feedback! Wir arbeiten dran! 

Ein dungeoncrawl platformer mit nem mage? Echt nette Idee! Welche Assets hast Du selbst gemacht?

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Thanks a lot! We'll fix that shortly for sure! 

Hey, thank you! :) Bright future ahead - we already got an update for the laser.

Alright! Btw, which accent did you emulate with that damn dyke builder? As a German, i was really curious!

Thank you! Funny thing is: "Where's the water game?" - that's what NASA said, lol. ;) 

Thanks a lot - let's see what we get in there! 

I believe your doom comment made the day of one of our unity heroes.^^

:D you bet! That thing got us motivated for sure! 

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It's a deck builder - bonus points for originality! :D Great ideas, and surprisingly complex game mechanics - good job, and i wish you the best if you want to polish your game further! 

I had a blast rafting around! And your title is fitting!

I didnt get the controls, but i didnt even notice it at first, becouse your artwork is so nice. :D Keep up the good work!

Oh, there's a manual! :D And a cat with a tiny snorkel!!!! And clever level recycling! A fun and fitting little jam game to play! MAKE MORE LEVELS PLZ

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Awesome high concept! Keep up the good work, and good luck polishing! I'd like to see it with more details and more feedback!

clunky platformer, nice work for a game jam! Keep up the effort! :D

Funky controls, nice artwork, hilarious animations, but perspective and models make it hard. Good luck polishing, if you like to! 

Appreciable effort - good platformer controls are hard to create. Maybe you want to try balancing the level designs with the beats!

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Nice management game/simulation, impressive that it works! Nice events, and funny memes as well, 145% integrity wilson got me hard. Good luck balancing it down the line! :D Your estimations are way off, or intransparent.

Nice composition, and thematically on point! Good luck polishing the glitches! 

Merci! Jawoll, wird wohl auch weitergehen! :) 

;) true dat! Thanks for your kind words - it was fun contributing to the Design here! Enthusiastic team, cool atmosphere. 

This game was a blast to pitch and design :) great team as well!