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A member registered Oct 01, 2020

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A couple more things: I picked up a job to dump four barrels of waste anywhere. I was on my way to an uninhabited planet when I picked up a distress signal to a derelict ship in space. I left a few barrels there but the game doesn’t count it unless I leave them on a planet so now there’s no way to complete the job.

Also, a couple of quality of life improvements that you might want to consider: it would be nice to have a sell all button when you try to sell off space junk. As it is now you have to sell item by item which is a little tedious. It would also be nice if when we are picking upgrades for my ship, there was a text box telling me what the upgrade actually does. Like, I understand what most of them do (they are mostly about having more room in the ship) but I don’t know what a warp coil functionally does from a gameplay perspective.

Oh, yeah, that's been giving me trouble. Also, if the device could blink while I am carrying it it would be much better. As it is I have to drop it and see how fast the light blinks, then pick it up again and drop it further afield to see if it got faster. Most of the time I am not sure if I am warm or cold.

(1 edit)

So, turns out if you just go back down to the planet where you pick up an upgrade unit, it will have spawned another one. I don't think this is intended, as it renders the rumors and tips you get from random clients moot. But I ended up with three upgrade units from the same planet as I kept going back to pick up stuff to sell.

Other than that, I can see myself getting pretty absorbed in the game once there is a story and characters to interact with. I haven't explored outside of the starting system yet (I only played about an hour and a half) but I hope other systems are more varied in terms of what the inhabited planets look like. So far it's three different urban planets, so my feedback would be to make the galaxy more varied so I would feel like I would find something new by exploring.

Still, it's early days, and so far the game has my interest. I am definitely going to keep up to date with the development. 

Thank you!