Thank you! I'm slowly chipping away at chapter two and hopefully I will have more to share soon.
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I want you to know that your comment made me giggle, thank you! Also Spencer is considered a secret RO/partial RO because they will not always be available like the main six.
You will meet Spencer later in the game and can try romance even if not on the orphan background. However, what you decide to do in the will greatly shift things so anything is possible.
.... also I just realised that I forgot to mention that ROs can die in the game. I should probably make a post.
Thank you for your lovely comment and I'm glad you like the UI!
Thank you, this honestly made me so happy! Nothing makes me happier than people wanting to do more than one playthrough.
I highly recommend trying every background (it reason I made more save slots) and seeing what each route offers. Every background will have different information about the world and insight into what is to come later in the game.
You will get your answer, somewhat, in chapter two. I will say this much though, you are very warm with your theory.
The ship is a normal naval warship out in the ocean. The setting of the story is in Azish (name of the planet) and you are in Voxis, capital city of Strize (country you live in). No intergalatic traveling sadly.
The technology level is high but only in regards to military development. Humanity has focused all their energy into trying to defeat the exilliums that the huge leaps in advancements were centred around that and doesn't really expand to other areas.
So there are flying cars, hoverboards, nanobots, AI assistants etc but they are very much for those in the military mostly. In the wastelander background they live very low tech lives and orphan it a mixed bag.
The stats will dictate the flavour text and scenarios you can unlock. So, because you hard focused tactician people will acknowledge you for your use of tactics and gadgets. You have some skill with combat, everyone does in the military to a degree, but people will plan around and account for your highest skill.
You will be able to enter into combat scenarios but the outcome will change drastically if you have a low level in it. So to answer your question, you are considered average at combat and you aren't locked out of most situations, just a likely more hilarious outcome will happen if you use your lowest skill to check.
No, in fact, you will rise to power faster than anyone else in your family. The Soulforge are treated almost reverently and concessions are always made for them. If you accomplish a lot and asked for a post on a ship and expressed your desire to become an admiral the military would be ecstatic.