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A member registered Sep 10, 2021

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This was surprisingly decent.  I don't usually play hand drawn/2D art games.  I understand this is just a demo, so perhaps things will change upon release.  The voice acting was a nice touch.  As for suggestions, I have a couple.

1.) Robin could have a variety of outfits to wear.  Or even something like pajamas at night.
2.) The story is unique, and I like the fact that the MC isn't a prick.  Perhaps in the full game, you could add some animation to certain scenarios.

I won't bog this post down with a laundry list or anything.  I simply wanted to share My thoughts.  I'll have My eye out for this game.  Good Luck.

I'll be honest, I don't normally play these types of VN's.  I generally stick to VN's with 3D Models.  However, I'm trying to broaden My options.  So far, I'm enjoying the game.  I'm not too far into it yet.  But the writing is good, as well as the grammar.  Not to mention the artwork.   Well done.

I simply wished to say, thank you.  My appreciation is for giving easy and detailed instructions for Android user's.  Ever since my PC died on me, I've been unable to play Harem Hotel.  And to be honest, my ability to follow instructions are annoyingly poor.  So I feared screwing up my tablet.  But I took a chance and followed your instructions.  Much to my surprise, it actually worked 馃檪  An insignificant accomplishment to other's, I'm certain.  But to me, a positive impact.

Wow, that was a legitimately good trailer.  I've never watched a trailer for a visual novel, I must admit.  So I wasn't sure what to expect.  But it looks as if update 13 will be a decent size 馃  Looking forward to it.

This is my first time experiencing the game.  But so far, I've been pleasantly surprised 馃檪  Perhaps I mistook this for a different game.  Hence the reason I never gave it a try.  Your game is well done from what I've played.  I will be keeping a closer eye out for future updates.

I've only just begun playing this tonight.  But I do have experience with your other game as well.  So I feel that I can say this with great confidence.  You have a wonderful talent for story telling.  Even though I am not far into this particular visual novel yet.  You've already sunk your claws into me.  I guess that I simply wanted to say, well done.  I look forward to seeing how this plays out. 

It sounds like you have a lot more planned for this game.  Here I was thinking 0.8 seemed close to a finished 1.0 game.  To be honest, I'm glad to read that you have more than expected planned.  Your game is solid thus far.  And I look forward to the future updates.

I've had this game in my favorites for a long time.  But for one reason or another, I never got around to trying it until tonight.  I'm only a few in game day's into it.  But so far, I like what I've seen.  The characters that I've come across thus far, are likable (even the weird red eyed girl).  It's a shame that I'm only now trying this out.  But, better late than never.

I'm not very far into the game, as I only started last night.  But I really like how you have the game structured.  The freedom of choice and no time limit in getting to know each character, is fantastic.  I would love to see other creator's do something similar.  Keep up the great work.

Dewdrop 馃ぃ LMFAO 馃ぃ

Oh my word!  That was too funny 馃槅

(1 edit)

I finally decided to give this a shot.  I am surprised by how good it is.  Normally, I stay away from the anime style of graphics, but this is nicely done.  And I like how original the story is.  Keep up the great work, and I look forward to playing more of it tomorrow. 

If you are referring to the mission that involves the murder mystery.  The numbers to open the safe are 3-2-18 in that order.

Forgive me for commenting once more, I simply wanted to say one more thing.  The music is actually high quality stuff 馃檪  I normally don't care for the music or sound effects in visual novels.  But this is one of the rare exceptions. 

I started playing this last night for the first time.  Dude, I'm genuinely impressed with this visual novel.  The models are topnotch, and I love when they have a short animation.  I'm diggin the story well enough, though I'm not far into it admittedly. 

Not to get into spoilers or whatever, but I hope Karma bites "The Populars" in the rear.  I despise those type of mouth breathers with every fiber of my being.  Bullies can suck on a rotten egg 馃拃

Apologies for that rant 馃え Keep up the great work.  And I look forward to playing more tonight. 

Forgive my ignorance on the technical side.
Do I download v0.14 first, and then v0.14 PC Patch?
Because I do not see v0.13.2+ anywhere to download.
My apologies for sounding ignorant on the subject matter.
It's been a long time since I've played the game.
And I no longer have the game downloaded at the moment.
But I wanted to play the game again, now that my PC is working for the time being.

Dude, I am honestly impressed with this visual novel.
The animations are nicely done, music is nice too.
I'm enjoying the story from what I've played so far.
And the characters are lovable.
Nicely done.
I'll be keeping an eye on this one, that's for certain.

I'm not too far along into chapter 2.  But I wanted to say what I think of this visual novel so far.  The characters are well done, even the MC is decent.  Even the unusual twist (I won't spoil any of the plot) is surprisingly not bad at all :)  I'll be keeping an eye on this game for any future updates.

(1 edit)

I only just started playing this tonight.

But from what I've seen, the story is unique and off to a good start.

The music is great as well.

I'm looking forward to future updates.

Keep up the great work.

Now that I've progressed quite a bit into the story.
I can see why people are loving this game as much as they are.
The characters are well written, and even the MC is likable.
The humor is great, and it's neat to see references to other Visual Novels.
I don't know how much further I have left to go.
But upon completion of version 1.2, I will certainly look forward to future updates.

I'm not very far into the game (currently version 1.2)
But from what I've played, it has a promising start to it.
The music is excellent by the way.

Forgive my ignorance on the subject matter.
Would the $8.99 be a one time fee?
Or would I have to pay that each time a new update is released?
I've seen other games on that charge each time a person downloads a new update.

I've downloaded the 0.1 version.
Does that mean each update will be free, according to this post?
I certainly don't mind paying something.
But I don't want to have pay a monthly fee, like a Patreon thing or something.

My apologies if I sound ignorant about all of this.
You are by far one of my favorite creators though.
Just saying. 

@DanceGeorge Is it really short?
If I'm not mistaken, My New Memories has only released one version.
So I assumed not much would be in it.

I'm a big fan of My New Family, but have yet to try My New Memories.
I simply figured I'd wait until this update you've been talking about, releases.
But if My New Memories has a decent story telling like My New Family.
I'm certain it will be worth waiting for, and worth my time playing :)

Keep doing what you love.
You're skilled at it, that's for certain.

I'm fairly new to the game, I just started playing it last night.
But I've enjoyed my time thus far with version 1.1.0
The character models are some of the best I've seen in an adult game.
Not to mention the fluid animation is great as well.

You have clearly taken your time with this game, and it show's.
I'm looking forward to future updates, and seeing how it turns out.
Keep up the quality work, and doing what you love.

I'm very early on into your game (day 3).
And I understand this is an extremely early version of the game.
But I simply wanted to give my two cents of what I think so far.

I love the music, it's peaceful and not obnoxious.
The characters that I've met thus far seem decent enough.
Even Sarah and the creature at the church (her name escapes me).

I do not know how much actual content is in this current version 0.03.
But I hope it doesn't end too quickly, as I am enjoying the experience thus far.

Keep up the good work.
I will continue following this game.
And look forward to seeing what future updates have in store.

I don't know how long this game is.  I am interviewing a woman to be a slave to Britt.  But from what I've experienced thus far, I'm enjoying it.  This may sound petty or whatever.  But it's been refreshing to play an adult game, and not have dozens of grammatical errors.  Keep up the good work.