Just finished it! Spectacular! You really combined Evangelion with the current state of the world and generative AI. Also liked that it wasn’t as hard as your other games.
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I would like to give you a little bit of feedback on what I think would improve the experience a lot.
-This may be a personal touch, but I would have liked a little more sound in the dialogue parts, for example those typical sounds that serve as "voices", reading in complete silence can be a little heavy.
-The ending, I liked it, I think it was adequate, but I would have liked more that some actions/dialogues had more consequences and therefore more of an ending (your husband recovers and they are put to kill each other in a test) for example.
-Small easter eggs, a little more exploration, maybe visualize some objects, a picture of them both, etcetera.
-Regarding the FPS part, I would like a bit more raw realism, one shot kills, characters screaming or showing some suffering, maybe some npc crying, feeling the rawness of the situation, hearing your breathing and being agitated, etcetera.