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A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you! My friend made the art, I think it's amazing

Thanks so much! I appreciate the detailed feedback

No, you're good, it didn't come off that way, I'm flattered that you thought that about it

Thank you so much! Really appreciate the kind words

Wow, thanks for the kind words! I really did compose it within the jam's time frame. My goal was to make a complete OST, so I'm glad that's the impression it gave you. I've been surprised by how many people I've shown it to mention Evergreen Valley as a favorite, I didn't expect that.

Thank you for the feedback! I definitely was working pretty quick so I'd agree there's less variety than I'd want if I were actually composing an OST without a strict time limit, part of the repetition is just the old school style I was imitating, but I like the suggestion of using chord progressions.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it

Thank you!

Thank you, I appreciate that!