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A member registered Feb 23, 2018

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On that note, we can see from the sketchfab attachment on this page that the game was intended to be a Windows release. So all this conversation about Playstations isn't even relevant. Lol.

Even after the PS2 was released, plenty of developers continued to release games for the PS1 for some time. This game fits in that timeframe - and probably got canceled in-universe due to the disc-space issues and lack of funding to support a transition to the PS2. 

Not to mention the near guaranteed failure of the game since it's an unpopular genre on the platform it's intended for.

It makes sense if you consider it for long enough.

Hey! I like this game so far. But I feel like the presence of the enemy, and even the dead body, makes the liminal space aspect less impactful. After all, liminal spaces are all about man-made areas without the man -- Empty. Lonely. By showing that there were/are people or entities here, it kind of drains that and becomes a slightly more generic game. No offense on that last part.