Game has a major big for when you choose to run from the scene where the brother is being shot at on android browser. It sends an error message before force closing the game. Sorry it wouldn't let me copy and paste it.
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I didn't even realize to be fair lol. Thought I was actually on your page (kinda like how twitter used to be lol). I apologize if I should I have asked there, I just didn't realize that it was posted on another games page under you lol. Thanks for the heads up though. I'll be more diligent next time :).
I appreciate the update. I'd just like to ask how serious you are about the development of this game? I see where you said this was more of a hobby, but as someone willing to support the games.developement (which would over time add up to be a pretty penny), I don't want to be spending hundreds of dollars on a game that has no intentions of either being completed or going somewhere. I've done so many times before just to be bitterly disappointed in the developer for not keeping promises. With that said, I'd like to understand where your headspace is at in this one? Will it be finished at some point? If yes, what do you estimate in time/dates, will be your development pathway? If no, how far do you intend to take this project? I'm willing to put my name and reputation behind a game with some serious content creation (even if it's not completed), just as long as it's a decent amount of content (something longer then a few hours/with repeated loops that aren't excessively repetitive is fine if it's not completed. I do apologize, but I've staked my reputation in games before only to lose that reputation because developers abused my goodwill. I'm no longer willing to do that for unfinished games without some serious commitments from the developers. As the cost to my reputation if that commitment isn't as it was stated, becomes a problem in my physical life.