we better get a proper ward uniform else its gonna be real silly to serve everyone in a silk dress. maybe an resized version of what the Sylvan wear? they probably have tailors considering the wolves dont seem to.
which character do you guys think is the most likely to die at some point in the story? personally i think the chief has huge death flags since he is ranoks dad and he is basically the actual protagonist considering how much agency he has compared to caelan.
hey kael i just want you to know that changing from a monthly schedule to a bi-monthly schedule or no schedule at all is perfectly okay and what bothers people is not the waiting but rather it just resulting in more waiting.
maybe it´s like harry´s body if it got possesed by the soul piece? would explain the supernatural healing and the whole being found covered in blood without any wounds.
the same could be said about his nails. i also wonder if tattoos count as damage to him, like if he tried to get a tattoo but his body just slowly made it dissapear.