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Samuel Bremer

A member registered Aug 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well it was early in the game so i just restarted the game :)

But it was when i hit my head against the ceiling. It just let me slowly fall through the floor until my character was gone. 

I took a screenshot after the character disappear:

Really cool game :)

The only problem i had was that i somehow glitched into the floor at one point.

No, im not angry at all this is exactly what i had hoped for. Criticism is the only way of learning after all. I will try my best to not make these mistakes again in the future. Thank you for your detailed feedback.

Yes, Sorry About that. 

I cant change that because the submission have ended, but here is a link to the download:!wiJ3kShK!9YaYGk-hkSb-a8ZBubVa8ZFEQE9-VVfWww6-V3zNlo0