this was 9 days ago lmao, if you looked at the post I put above i said this guide is obsolete now as the developer has released official mac and linux builds on steam
Recent community posts
Dani has released on steam, the updated version for Mac and Linux builds. For me, I completely deleted Crab Game in Steam, and redownloaded it through Steam and simply pressed play, it worked with no server issues or version issues. If this is true for everyone, the download links above should be rendered obsolete along with my guide because there is no need to implement CrabGame in the steam folders anymore.
hey! This should work if you have The Unarchiver installed, I'm guessing you used the original Archive Utility and that results in the can't be opened message, there's a link to download The Unarchiver somewhere above, it's completely safe and open the zip file with that. It should solve your problem.
Mac Download Tutorial
(I have no idea if this can be applied to everyone, as I am on Catalina, but hopefully this helps) (This will be centered around my version)
1. Download The Unarchiver on the App Store on their site (you can probably figure out how to install it, there's lots of tutorials)
2. Download the appropriate file according to your system (64bit or silicon)
3. Get the zip file, drag it to your desktop, then right click it and choose open with The Unarchiver, the default doesn't work for all I know and results in an unopenable Crab Game
4. Let it run for a few seconds and you should end up with Mac_64Bit
5. Go to steam, install Crab Game there, run it once, then close it (I know it states that its only for windows, but it runs on mac, this step is crucial)
6. (credit to ssasiY) Go to finder, press cmd+shift+g, and a window should pop up, insert /Users/*yourusernamegoeshere*/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common
7. Now find the file with the name Crab Game, double click it, and there should be CrabGame and SavesDir
8. leave the window there, now right click on the Mac_64Bit you got from the zip file and press Open, DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK IT, it should pop up something along the lines of "Mac_64Bit is not from an identified developer" , press open anyway, and it should open
9. Close the game, rename the Mac_64Bit to CrabGame, and go back to the window with the two files
10. Replace the renamed CrabGame with the one in the folder
11. Close the Finder window, and open up Steam again, and press Play, it should work with no error messages, crashing, or no servers
This is a quickly made tutorial and it isn't applicable to everybody.
I hope I made myself clear and optimistically, I hope it helped you
If there's any problem leave comments below and I'll try to help, but I am seriously no expert, so don't expect much.
Thanks for reading