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A member registered Oct 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Would there ever be a way to also access the original version along side this one?

Amazing game! Everyone should play this.

This game is amazing, great work!!!


Fair enough

Love the game! Bit of an odd request but would there ever be a chance for there to be a NTR event where Zero and the previous guard get busy behind MC's back?

Firstly I super respect you pulling the game while you fix this and secondly I'd just like to say I personally never got that vibe

Cant wait to see this game develop more!

AI image. Cringe

Really liked this game when I first played it so I'm very happy to see an update! Do you think this is the end for this game's development or do you plan to further expand on it?

Your art is great and the game is very promising, so if anyone ever gives you crap for making it run well screw them! You're doing great!

2 quetions

1) Any chance there will be choices for MC's dick size? I think it could be cool to have the option to be smaller but I also entirely understand how much this would complicate development and why it may also just not be something worth doing!
2) How much would one have to pay for at least one scene where MC get's snailed and suffocates under one of the character's asses?

Nice game! Is there any change you'd have the husband be less able to satisfy his wife in the opening, so that the wife has even more drive to betray him?

Really like this game so far! In the future it might really help to have a place to be able to see the endings you've gotten and to see how you got there! Also, at least on mobile, having the spot you interact with to progress be the same as where you send a message can lead to a player looking to skip dialog to explore other paths and accidentally sending a message.

(1 edit)

It'd be really cool if, (I'm just starting the game so if this exists already my bad) there was an item (if not just a built in feature) which would allow characters to prefer sex with other characters. For example say you use the command hand to have one character interact with another, let's say the player has a dick and there is a canine with a dick and a bunny with a vagina, and the canine is both larger than you are and lasts much longer than you historically have with the bunny then over time the bunny could maybe make comments about how the canine is better then eventually just refuse the player out right. It would also be cool to have a way to shrink the player's dick, if that doesn't exist already. Also a way to reduce your stamina (for both quality of life and fetish reasons)

In case no one has mentioned it I have found a visual bug in cumbat where sometimes, especially if you wear a condom, you have 2 dicks in the X-Ray screen which can be a little confusing to tell which one is really yours since one is often a few inches larger. (at least with my stats lol). I really like this game! This is the exact kind of thing I'm into! I really hope there are more scenes like the Avarice x MILF shower scene and more character's like Avarice who are hard to please in the future. Also something cool you could do in the future (if this is rude to make a suggestion like this I'm sorry I don't mean to be) would be some kind of event in cumbat where your dick can get cursed and shrank temporarily

This game would honestly be just as entertaining, if not slightly more, as a non-lewd game. Which says a lot considering that a lot of lewd games lean of the fact they have adult content to make them interesting. Amazing work here!

So other than just having fun is there any reason to do anything after you have the 2nd cut scene for everyone? Or in other words is there any extra sexy stuff after you've got the first and (if available) 2nd scene for every girl?

There is also an issue where in full screen the game makes my computer fans scream. I tried limiting the frames through my video card's driver and it didn't help.

There a way for me to transfer my save data my man? Sorry if this has been answered before. 

Great game so far my dude, killer work!

Fair enough my man, keep up the killer work

This game tota;ly rocks! Can't wait for future updates! 

Would be rad to see some kind of ending where MC gets killed off so the chicks can get some dick, if that isn't already a thing. 

Thank you!

I played this game for a few hours and enjoyed it but I wasn't able to find any endings or anything hidden. Anyone know of a guide I could use or have any tips? 

Just played the game it was great! Wondering if it will be updated tho