A very well executed first release! I love the Roguelike and sex combination, and this is already an addictive format. Please keep working on this!
Recent community posts
This is a very well written and thought out game. I see why people compare it to DoL but I think they are focusing on the engine and mechanics and ignoring the fact this game has its own feel and writing style. FWIW I think there is definitely a niche for this and it is by far the best in this niche.
I personally enjoy scenarios that play out in more cariations. For example, it would be great to see the Cafe-waitress play out slightly differently if you choose more of the barista role, or waitress role. (e.g. The waitress might go further in physical contact or the cleaner has more opportunities for under the table or falling over and exposing sort of thing). If these different things developed different preferences (or types of corruption) then a player could direct the action more to their prefence. For example, exposure might make the PC more likely to be tempted to exhibitionism, groping might make them more open to the public transport groping etc, or maybe lots of Park GH action could open an under the table scene in the Cafe?
What I see so far is very good! What makes me come back for play and re-play in games such as this is the gradual transition, and the variety in stages. So having a couple, maybe three or more, variations really works. You have this in the Park GH, and some variation at work, but it would be great to see these expanded in possibilities. It would also be good to see NPCs react to clothing differently if that is possible. Even if just a general thing (e.g. if reacting to specific clothes is difficult, then reacting to the level of lewdness might work).
Keep up the good work!