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I finally finished issue #4! :)
In the 16th century, the magician John Dee created a language that, he claimed, had been revealed to him (through his associate Edward Kelley) by the heavenly host themselves: the language of angels. This language, known as Enochian, was written down by hand in his journals. Now, for the first time, these characters are available as a pixel font!
now: persephone & hades discuss springtime, roses, & if zeus is really listening. [5-page comic]
The Shivering Ground & Other Stories
It's a collection of 11 short stories:
In "The Door at the End of the Path" a young girl discovers her parents' secret in their gothic house with a garden behind it... in "Conditions" a man with Frankenstein-ian aspirations gets a visit from his twin sister, who tells him about the disappearance of her ex-lover.
"The Eternal In-Between" details a narrator's dream during the plague, while "The Mannequin" explains a medical procedure that involves taking out one's heart. "Brianna" retells Sleeping Beauty with a dark twist, and "Noticing" is post-apocalyptic fiction about a man and an alien creature obsessed with extinct birds, stuck on earth during the end of it all.
"Entanglement" tells the story of love between two soldiers, and "The Day Before Tomorrow" tells the story of friendship between two young girls in an ordinary suburb, that is being slowly eaten away by a vastness of char and bones.
"It's Already Too Late" is a fatalistic group of people's response to the changes in their world, and "The Shivering Ground" creates a narrative between a guard and their winged captive in a post-war city, intertwined with music.
"A Universe Akilter," the collection's only novella, a love story in epistolary format, tells of the meetings, through dreams, between a failed playwright and a young painter who live in different dimensions. The full first story is available as a free download!
This great trailer was made by Sweetie2566.
I found your comic through a collection & really loved it! The art style was gorgeous and evocative—I enjoyed your linework and compositions, and the choice to put the piece on a black background added a softness that would've been hard to get otherwise (comics on black backgrounds are awesome). Also, your typography is lovely! It felt like handwriting in the best way, without being unreadable. My favorite panel might've been where the protagonist is standing with the flower petals in the "beautiful, beautiful" segment. :) Not to mention there was a full story arc/a satisfying ending, too!
"The Sadbook Collections" is a mostly-daily comic strip. Explore life's questions, from the existential to the mundane, and see what happens to this stick figure human along the way. The stick figure is artist at heart, an introvert, sometimes puzzled by the human's surroundings, sometimes with strong opinions... and too many ideas to count. Oh, yes—and very tired.

You can now download the comic strips of "The Sadbook Collections" through Jan-Feb 2023!