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A member registered Aug 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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I have had this additional information pointed out to me via email.

"The Western Sahara was a Spanish colony and when Spain gave it independence it got occupied by Morocco. A guerilla war then began but Morocco won that a long time ago so maybe it should just be made part of Morocco. Some countries still recognise the Saharan government in exile.

Svalbard is part of Norway. You would have a similar problem with it as you have with Alaska, it's a distance from the rest of Norway.


Eswatini - it's between South Africa and Mozambique, used to be called Swaziland

Djibouti - it's on the coast between Somalia and Eritrea

Haiti - it's east of Cuba

Dominican Republic - it's east of Haiti

Qatar - it's on the coast north of the United Arab Emirates

Guinea Bissau - it's next to Guinea, on the west African coast

Surinam - it's between Guyana and French Guyana (it used to be Dutch Guyana, I worked with people from there in The Hague)

Trinidad and Tobago - it's two islands north of Venezuela

Sri Lanka - a big island country southeast of India

Seychelles - a multi island country east of Somalia

Taiwan - a big island country east of China (though China says it's part of China every other country has embassies there)

Tonga - a Pacific island country

Fiji - a Pacific island country

Cyprus - an island country south of Turkiye/Turkey

Israel - it's between Jordan and the sea

Bhutan - it's between India/Bangladesh and China

Cape Verde - a country of islands west of west Africa

Comoros - a country of islands off east Africa a bit northwest of Madagascar"

All of which is quite interesting.

Thanks for the feedback. I have done my best to fix it. I haven't got Sri Lanka as a png so it will have to stay missing.

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I have tried to fix the spelling mistakes and you can place Canada now. 

The sprites are from Paper Pixel. It is a free sprite sheet on and the jump mechanics are from the Unity Platform Micro Game. I cobbled it together because when I saw those very pretty sprite sheets from Paper Pixel, I just had to make something with them.

Am I right in thinking that you can download these images but yo can't use them?

Thank you. You are a great artist.

Link to scripts file.

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I used the asset

WW2 Crew Weapon Granatwerfer 36 Demo

from the Unity Asset Store.

When I attempted to make the soldier character from the asset into a prefab, I encountered an error. The solution was to keep the german soldier gameobject in the scene all the time and not make it into a prefab.

Check out this video about slerping.

Hello Ahana, you might find these flashcards helpful.

What great tutorials with scripts to copy and paste from Jason Weimann.

Github code.

Here is a link to a "Clik Screen To Move Character" script and a "Follow Player" script and a "Control Animator Float For A Blend Tree"  script.

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Hi I used the sprites from this asset on the Unity Asset Store :

and rewrote the scripts because they weren't working. Find my scripts for the game here on my GitHubPage.

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All my games are free. I am a middle-aged lady who doesn't know a lot about javascript but I make games anyway because it's a hobby, and I like making pretty things. Most of the games I make are one page of javascript type games so I usually add a link to the code in Codepen. I love to see what other people have made especially when they put a link to the code. If you want to add your own games that would be great.

Here is a link to the code.

Google this

If you have an N5 Applications Maths Prelim tomorrow.

Notes Kinross High N5 life skills.pdf

It is excellent.

Fixing the resize problem was easy I just added this.


function() {

    canvas.width = innerWidth;

    canvas.height = innerHeight;


This is such a simple basic game but there is still a bug. The bug is, that when the screen is resized it stops working. I vaguely remember Frank's Laboratory on Youtube has a solution to this so I shall go look and see if I can fix it.

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  Here is a link to my code pen.                                                                           

The island that I imported came from here.

If you want to make a website to host your games this code would be a good place to start

The code.

This isn't really a game.

I haven't finished making the terrain yet.

When it is finished I might make a game set on the nice island.

At the moment it is a work in progress.

When I made this game I used the Advanced example scene. I had to create a few extra scripts.

Here is a link to those extra scripts.

Link to code

GitHub scripts

See the scripts on GitHub

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This is the first game I have made using ProBuilder. That is why I called it Level1. I hope to make another level using Probuilder soon. Guess what I am going to call it? If it freezes click the screen. If it all goes upside down enable fullscreen or disable fullscreen that seems to fix it. I don't know why.