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It is indeed on my end, but it's not general connectivity. Here's a log of butler diag -v --all:

What seems to be happening is it thinks I still have a resumable upload session, and is trying to use it, when it doesn't exist anymore. Rather than restarting it (ie, getting a new session) it's just throwing the error. I have no idea what caused it, and I also have no idea how long I have to wait for the session I have to expire, or how to clear it manually. I've tried all the typical network reset stuff. I've uninstalled and reinstalled butler.
So this is where I'm at with this. I can't use butler for the time being because I deleted both of the channels I had, and definitely can't create any new ones. I couldn't update them anyway, because it was giving me the same error. I created an issue on github and the guy who wrote the code responded that he's moved on with his life. I don't know anything about resumable uploads, but I am a programmer, so I'm not giving up, lol. Right now, this is the only thing I've been able to find that sounds like it's talking about the same thing:
Best practices
Resume or retry uploads that fail due to connection interruptions or any 5xx errors, including:
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
Use an exponential back off strategy if any 5xx server errors are returned when resuming or retrying upload requests.
For other errors, you should not use an exponential back off strategy but limit the number of retry attempts made.
Handle 404 Not Found errors when doing resumable uploads by starting the entire upload over. This indicates the upload session no longer exists.
Use resumable file transfers for files larger than 10 MiB (10,485,760 bytes).
A byte range size of 10 MiB for stable high speed connections is optimal. For slower or less reliable connections you may get better results from a smaller fragment size. The recommended fragment size is between 5-10 MiB.
Use a byte range size that is a multiple of 320 KiB (327,680 bytes). Failing to use a fragment size that is a multiple of 320 KiB can result in large file transfers failing after the last byte range is uploaded.
So, I need to make it "Handle 404 Not Found errors when doing resumable uploads by starting the entire upload over."
Before I start learning everything I'm going to need to compile my own fork, is there anyway I can already do this, or anyone still working on this that will do it? Community » » Ideas & Feedback · Replied to in Option to set price of game negative, to pay people to playtest Community » » Ideas & Feedback · Created a new topic Option to set price of game negative, to pay people to playtest