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A member registered Jan 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you! I had thought about it being like a horror game when I first started working on it. Who knows, I might expand on the idea in the future:)

Im really sorry to hear that, I guess it's just something to do with the engine and Firefox.

Hey! I made sure to make the game cleaner and ease the gameplay in the update, thank you for the feedback:)

Hey, thank you for the feedback, I made sure to update the game so It is much easier and more dynamic. Thank you:)

Hey! I made sure to update it so the performance has greatly improved. Thank you for the feedback:)

I might after this next project lol

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I hope you will like my next project too:)

Okay, thank you for your help!

Ah, I did not know that, I have an "NSFW" game (graphic) on my account, which automatically enables for me to see NSFW games on the site. Is there an option for me to not see NSFW content without disabling the tag on my game? I don't want to tag wrongly and expose someone to graphic content without their consent. Thank you:)

(2 edits)

I know that is a large outlook for creative outflow, and I am very grateful for the platform the team behind Itch has given us, but I feel like the amount of NSFW content on the front page is too much. I get the argument that if it's on the front page then it is because people made it popular enough to be there, but I feel like they should push NSFW content down in the algorithm just a tad bit, like Steam does. I know there are dozens of children on this site because they want to play the same games as their favorite YouTubers do, but they get bombarded with games like "Goblin Layer (NSFW 18+)" which not only show them NSFW content on the cover but also GIFS of them performing lewd acts. There are about 17 of these NSFW games just by scrolling twice. Even creators are at risk, for a game I have published on this site, I have lost track of the number of times that I had, and still have, to delete and report a comment for advertising an NSFW game. I think these games are taking away good indie games that deserve recognition on the front page but are saturated by NSFW content that lacks good storytelling, gameplay, graphics, etc. Thank you for reading my rant, I hope there can be changes to this amazing site to better its reputation and content, I'm not asking for an "E for Everyone" rating, just for this website not to be mainly for porn.

It is not required, but would enhance the experience 

don't worry about it g

it should the file "nw"

Hello fellow game developer! I appreciate your work, it has good story elements and a great atmosphere, keep it up 👍

I am not sure of a release, but it is going to release this year, most likely between May - July

Develop away 👍 good luck

I lot of effects. Bulge, noise,  scan lines, etc. And than some overlay effects with an animated sprite with blending modes. It's really the only game engine I've overall mastered, I'm trying to make more games with engines like unity. If you want some project examples I can provide them :)

Construct 2


I hope to release my next game and have it as popular or more popular than my last

Okay, thank you for your response

Yes, that was the issue, thank you. Another thing, is there a way to display C2 effects on the 3D canvas (or over)?

Hi, I had a problem with the plugin. I was trying to copy one of the other examples into a project with it's events and no matter what I do the canvas stays 2D. Is there something I am doing wrong? I could provide a capx if you need it. 

I'm glad you liked it!

Glad you liked it, and no, it is not Adam Sandler

You are an amazing developer working with such a limited engine, keep up the good work man

Uh oh,  somebody has a case of psychosis.

No worries, I'm not going to report you. It took about a month to fully make.



I'm so glad you liked it! I hope you enjoy the new game I am working on like you did with this. 

I'm glad you liked it! It was a simple black-and-white filter with an additive blend on the image.


I'm kinda new to Itch in terms of popularity so these stats are mainly from Fear Assessment on its own

$2,461.01 Gross Revenue

1,910 Payments




That would not be above me lol. That is something I would definitely do.

I'm glad you liked it, I made it in Construct 2

I am glad you liked it!

I'm glad you found this feature

It does not share your location. Just the name of your hard drive

Omg it's a Brazilian