Thank you for taking the time to check it out and comment! Much appreciated :)
Savvy Donkey Press
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Hey, thank you for your comment: highly appreciated.
As for the system(s) I use for my games, well, they are quite a few unfortunately. I say unfortunately because I think this is a big issue. I tend to get excited very easily and can't stick to a single unifying system. During the last few years I've played B/X, OSE, GURPS 3E, GURPS 4E, Basic Roleplaying System, Cairn, Into the Odd, Cypher System, Ironsworn (+ Delve), Forbidden Lands, The One Ring 2E, Pathfinder 2E (very little admittedly), some homebrew systems of my own and I think I'm forgetting something.
I just can't adapt my little fun side projects to all the systems I like. So I keep them system agnostic.
You are of course welcome to take whatever you want and adapt it to a specific system! It would be a honor. And more important, have fun!
Thank you again for your interest!
My pleasure!
World is really a little place. Some time ago (maybe years) I discovered 2400 by Jason. At that time I was more into crunchier and more mainstream systems (you know, the big names) and so I dismissed it as a style exercise. Lately, I've been moving away from big books and finding solace into something smaller. I discovered Old School Essentials, then I joined the OSR community on Reddit, then discovered NSR and then I closed the loop with Into the Odd and 2400. Again. :)
Anyway, I'm very glad you liked it. Fuel for motivation.
You made my day, really. First commenter ever, very very grateful.
I've published this morning the NPCs companion to this one:
Feel free to grab it and don't tell anybody I'm working on a bestiary ;)
The Forgotten Crypt of Queen Gilaren is a 2-page dungeon adventure module for Old School Essentials (by Gavin Norman).
It includes a detailed map with 14 rooms ready to venture through. Every room has something to interact with. Into the dungeon there are puzzles and combat encounters. It's doable with a small party of 3 to 4 characters of 1st or 2nd level. Could be a little mean, but hey! It's Old School.