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A member registered Aug 02, 2022

Recent community posts

I love this game! The story is great and the gameplay is amazing!

The only small issue I found was a consistency error where the tutorial still says Sena cares about working on the wall. I agree with the change to remove that, it made it too easy to ignore the counter entirely, but the tutorial text should probably have that changed.

Klee may be a prankster, but you sir, are a far greater one. A big old "WARNING, THIS ENDS THE GAME", so I make sure everything is finished, I save the game, go to press it, and, well, you know the rest. 

Anyway, hope you doing well and can't wait for 1.16!

Yes I just waited all 20 days just to buy it anyway. I am not patient enough it seems.

How about you read the patch notes, other comments, and then ask questions.

About one day left(if trends continue.)

Let the public release countdown begin

Quick bug report, if you complete non-repeatable events and then crash the game, it will sometimes make the event inaccessible but take back any photos or mona memories. I did this with the hotel based events specifically.

I asked the same question, apparently apks are just that much more efficient than zips, and the backend for apps on windows is fairly large as well.

Both are in the area, but paimon is hanging with female traveler during female favor 3, so that? I don't think it matters.

How do you get pregnant a second time? And I had an idea, what if the rabbit became aggressive again if you crouched in front of her for a certain amount of time.

Honestly, the dlc isn't bad. You get two sex scenes, a nice long quest and a fun addition minigame. But when it looks almost the same as the 1.0 version it's not really worth it. Some of the art might have been redrawn and it is much more stable than original(still had one crash on android) but it just doesn't feel like enough to start charging for it. I would more understand if one or both of the scenes got a live2d overhaul, that would more than make up for it. But otherwise the same as 0.6 version. Which is still available from third parties mind you.

What makes the android version so small? Are assets downloaded after or is the game just that optimized for android?

It will get lowered to $5 in a little while. Early access pass and whatnot.

So you said early access lasts 1-2 weeks, is that 1 week and wait until a round number of people paid the full price or do you just pick a random day to drop the price back down?