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A member registered Jan 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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cute lil game!! absolutely adore the pixel art and the music :]

they're in-game dw!!

im on windows! it loaded well for me, idk how to help :(

this was such a fun game!! got a bit bored at some points (adhd brain) but the beautiful art and writing carried me through it. magda my beloved you could do nothing wrong (she is wanted in 7 countries)

i absolutely adore this game!! got it with the relief bundle, and i just finished it! i have almost every achievement, and def gonna play until i get them all. fantastic game, play it if you have the time!

cute little game, loved all the sprites! <3

this was so fun!! got this with the palestine relief bundle, and my brother and i absolutely loved it :]

scared the shit outta me and my brother. love the skeletons