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SC | NU / Bester; Thy X-X

A member registered Feb 05, 2023

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Hey people.

Why can't I speak hm? Don't take it in a literal way like any child, understand that it means inactive.

Leaving dosen't necessarily mean you deleted your account.

I alr left weirdo

Bro, I never said yes or no, also, nope, I would like to be a pain to those morons who drove me out of itch in the first place. So, I am glad im a pain :)

Nice to know that there are still some more reasonable people on itch :)

And yeah I left itch, there are more reasonable people now on discord, but I wouldn't recommend u coming, it would make us all cringe in our faces that another weirdo from itch is here.

Wow, I didn't know that it was possible, but you trying to be good at something always turns out worse, also, never gave any grammar tip :D

Dont support the low life idiot bro, it gives them ego, and that aint good for them puny brains.

Lol, its just called good grammar, and, having a good sense of speech, just shows u don't have that, also because of itch idiots like u, no one deserves to be asked if they want me to comment or not lmao.

See, this guy is the definition of an itch idiot, good thing I left itch, now, I don't need to stay with good for nothing idiots.

Fr, its also a huge fricking disadvantage in CWs..

Ur in the middle, not too bad, not too good

Yeah, I forgot him and narrow winner, but the rest are talking abt dating and are literally the example of 5 year olds, they bring shame to itch.

This dumb itch kids, there are only some good people here rn, like bow boi, zeph, havoc, Starsket, and a couple of others, now this platform has just become a dating app, I’m for real pissed off by these kidz.


Ikr Ikr, forts time itch agreed they r being childish..

Lmao that’s good

Kidz at itch nowadays, i liked the old itch days but now it’s just hell.

3-1 KD


Uhh..u always had a better team, plus ez seems like a stretch..

Nah, they have a W secret which only a couple ppl like me and Haci know.

Same bro, the good itch days…

u forgot me bruh


W clan


Oh nice, Platon..

Ah ok.

IG we need a 1v1, last time i got 10-7 where I lost. I’m on dc now so we can arrange some time IG.

Bro, I got 89 kills straight and in the end of the game I died..

Brooooooooooo, u always get the good games with high-level ppl like 70 and Ruth 

The best fking team the game could give me:




Ask everyone else, they’ll tell u, plus, the other guy ain’t on itch.

Bwo get on.

I sent friend request to u.