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Scalene Scales

A member registered Jul 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for being as helpful as always.

Unfortunately, if even pause was not working, then I don't know what could cause this bug. The pause screen is inefficient but reliable because it's state is checked every single frame, and the only way pause stops working is if the game over/victory flags are set, which shouldn't be the case in the second to last level. Even then, if those flags are somehow set, the corresponding ending screen should show.

My best guess is that this is caused by some issue in a third party dependency I have, but some of those dependencies recently had a major release, so I think they're probably too unstable to upgrade/migrate to atm. They were also rather unstable while working on this project. So, I'll update the dependencies for this project at a later point in time, but otherwise, yeah, unfortunately, I don't think I can fix this.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the details.

Assuming I understand the scenario correctly, the penultimate level should have been this one:

There are 7 levels and you get an upgrade after each, so on level 6, you should have played the level with 5 upgrades, and what should have happened is that, after you cut the last bit of hair, the upgrade screen appeared, which would've been your sixth and final upgrade. Instead the upgrade screen never appeared and the scissors just stopped moving, correct? Do you know if you were able to pause the game when that happened?

I'll spend some time trying to figure this out, but since I've never seen it in testing and since I don't know what could cause it, unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'll be able to succeed in figuring it out and fixing it.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing.

Do you remember anything from the run when the game froze? Like what was on the screen at the time, what upgrades you had, etc?

Edit. I should mention that there's known issue where sometimes the scissors will get stuck in a loop because of various mechanics interacting in a bad way. I've pushed an update which should mitigate it, but I'm not sure if it's fully fixed (aside from one specific edge case). After all, with further testing, my last mitigation (the one I made just before release) apparently didn't fix some of the more general case.

Thanks for the feedback.

Zooming out also worked around it, but not having it be an issue would be better. I've implemented a quick workaround for the scrolling issue. I'll need to do a different workaround for later games though.

No problem.

Your feedback was useful.

The pipes in this game are a "straw," so your straw has holes in it.

The only exits/entrances to the straw should be the top and bottom, and they should only open to the blender / haaton respectively.

Thank you for the feedback.

This game is a clone of an old "genre" of games. In these pipe puzzle games, you turn the pipes until they form a path from the "source" to the "sink".  In this case, the source is the blender spout, and the sink is the haaton.

When you've succeeded in forming a path, a sfx should play, and you will no longer be able to turn the pipes. At that point, the "heart" button on the blender will go from "gray" to "red". Click on the button at that point in time.