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A member registered Dec 08, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey there, I'm the author of tic80-typescript, so I can provide some pointers for you and other interested developers.

tic80-typescript is indeed not compatible with TIC-80 0.90.x due to API changes, sorry about that. Though it is compatible with TIC-80 1.0.x-dev (pro), if you're willing to build it yourself.

The tool itself simply streamlines the usage of typescript for TIC-80:

  • It setups a typescript project with a .d.ts file for the TIC-80 API (yay autocompletion), and a basic tsconfig.json.
  • It compiles your project into a single .js file that is compatible with Duktape, the js engine used by TIC-80.
  • It does not support modules or npm dependencies; those are usually managed by the environment (like Node) or more advanced bundlers (like Webpack)
  • On top of that, it automatically starts TIC-80, injects the compiled code into the game, and watches code changes.

If you have any question or issue, feel free to ask here or on the GitHub repository.

Ahah I know, the most important part of my message was "with touch controls" :p

Excellent game. Are you planning to make a mobile version, with touch controls?