Amazing, elegant puzzle! I spent several days on this, made some progress along a promising but ultimately incorrect path, so begrudgingly resorted to a partial watch of a youtube video for a hint. I want to know how the designer created this. How could they have known there would be a solution as they were designing the build mechanic?
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Yeah it's a tough balance. If the secrets were more obvious, it wouldn't have been as rewarding to find them, so for me it seemed about right as-is. Of course that exact balance varies from person to person. In this case, I might not have known that the "????" represented extra levels, except for the fact that I was expecting 16 levels and the list stopped after 13.
Thanks Alex, really enjoyed this game. I could see the Sokoban Bunny Tales influence (e.g. level 8 was like the bunny tales ice mazes, and the solve for level 13 required a similar strategy as a few bunny tales puzzles).
The secret bonus levels were a nice touch. I felt completely clueless as to how to reach them and was about to give up, when I read another commenter on here saying they were glad they persisted, so I made some educated guesses and ... eureka!
Thanks for taking the time to make this.
Interesting. I went back and replayed both of those levels. I believe this Jan 18 test level would have been great on its own without being too duplicative with those other two. This one and "Unless" both involved strategic welds, but otherwise felt quite different. And similar to this one, "Backtrack" required some careful traversing of gravity blocks, but again didn't seem duplicative.
Admittedly, this Jan 18 is the only test level I've tried so far so maybe the same could be said for many others, in which case understandably you can't keep everything! Maybe in a future release...
Thanks for your response.