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Steven Coffin

A member registered Aug 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was a very good game! Here is my review:

I really enjoyed this game! Here is my review!

Here is my review of Rain

It is one of the best games I have ever played.

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed the game and recommend it to everyone! It had some very minor issues, but I loved the messaging and the gameplay was quite enjoyable even though it was pretty basic.

Great game! A full review will be published tonight on I will notify you when it is done!

(1 edit)

Here is my review:

I think it has some  issues, but it has potential! I am looking forward to the future builds and will review them as well! Hope my review gives you some guidance on what to adjust for future builds!

This is a very neat game! I really love the whole feel of it! Here is my full review with my thoughts!

Thank you for creating this game!

Really enjoyed this!

Awesome game! Will be writing about this for my site in a few days!

Awesome! I am glad I could help!

This was a really awesome mechanic that can make awesome games! I really enjoyed this. It was simple and pretty cool! Will definitely be writing about this very soon on my site. Will notify you when it is published!

I loved this game! It was very short, sweet, and made me realize that it is important to just relax and appreciate life.

I enjoyed the game overall, but there were some parts that I had problems with. I am excited for your future titles!

I reviewed this for my site, . I really liked it, but I hope more things are added to keep me engaged. There needs to be more variety and reasons to keep playing it instead of waiting for chooks to lay eggs in late-game to complete tasks :-) Thank you for making this!

This was a really neat game! I will review it on and the review should be published by tomorrow night! I will edit my comment when it is finished!

The review has been published!

(1 edit)

This was absolutely amazing. I wrote a full review at 

This was a good game with a good message. Sorry you have been feeling down. Thank you for making this game!

The review is published :-)

(1 edit)

Hello! Here is my review of the game! Really enjoyed it and this has a lot of potential. Really hope you find translators and a publisher!

I really enjoyed this! Tapestry has a lot of potential. I love its music and its writing so much, and the art is very simple but pleasant. Thank you for making this!

This is amazing! Couple hours in so far and loving it! Will definitely review for my site! Thank you for making this!

This was so fun! Loved the dialogue and the atmosphere! Will write a full review soon!

This was absolutely wonderful! Only have the free version, but thank you for making this, it is really amazing and relaxing.

You're welcome. It was wonderful. I am excited to play the larger version of it!

I really liked it! Short, unique, and some good comedy. Great job! Will make a more in-depth review on my site in the next few days. 

This was beautiful and amazing! Great job devs! Here is my review!