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A member registered Feb 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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There is no NTR, confirmed by the dev. Stop spreading mis-information.

There is no NTR! The dev has confirmed this a thousand time. You only get the threat of NTR. Most likely the end of 0.8 will amount to nothing more than Asami being saved by someone.

Don't tell Emily you and Ashe have fucked in the previous episode.

No new animations, just you won't be spied on by Emily.

Stuck on mission 9, it won't let me interact with Luccia. I have the Wort from the courtyard but when I approach and interact with Luccia nothing happens, am I missing something?

I've got to agree. I mean, props to the creator for learning kinks before implementing them, but personally NTR is too much for me. If/when it's added is when I'll be dropping out.

(1 edit)

Being a game developer must be hard when they have to deal with wierdo's like you.

One of the screencaps is Bianca being fucked by your dad, so this game has NTR?