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scout from tf2

A member registered Mar 03, 2024 · View creator page →

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Scout here reviewing this short but really nicely done game, gameplay is just a z simulator, nothing much,, it gets a 5/10.

he artstyle is like a gameboy, and if youve seen any of y comments before you know i love pixellated games, 9/10.

Overall its a great game with some care put into it, 8.🎶/10.

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Heyo this is scout, this time giving a review AND some with some bug repots, ill start with bugs.

First bug i found was that the entire screen goes black forever if you open the map while starting the sleep (go  to bed wait for the transition of black then open map)

Second bug (or exploit) i found was that opening the map on the farm makes all the carrots grow instantly, used this to speed up my farming a little.

Lastly game review, amazing animations with pixel art, 9/10

Gameplay loop is get carrots feed carrots go sleep (and sometimes sex), 8/10

Overall ill give it a 8.5/10, keep up the amazing work.

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Hello "phlat" today i tried out dunse-sunbe- FUCK sunset seduction, its a nice little pixelated fishing game (i love pixelated games), the gameplay loop goes like this, you fish until you get enough money for a drink? i suppose? you talk to a woman, give the present and repeat, its a simple and basic and all that loopty loop. 

and with that said the gameplay gets a 7/10 (i suck at fishing appearently) and visuals get a 8.4/10, this is all from scout on this game.


though there was a image down here?

Cant believe they made a simulator of what scout does on hes free ti- wait a fucking minute

Hello chat this is scout giving yet another game review zhis time imma be talking about..... "lovely craft piston trap"? am i really in this much debt?

Anyways this game is one of those waiting simulators, nothing too much within gameplay so it gets a 4/10

the visuals and art are amazing and  need to be appreciated more, 9/10.

The lore? none, but who cares!

overall 7/10, cant wait to grind way more for the rest of the content when it comes out.

hello eveyrone its  the scout from tf2 and today  im gonna rate tt&na.

lemme just say at first, this games art style and gameplay is amazing and its rare seeing such high quality sex games.

so, gameplay is 10/10 for the it being unique and fun, artstyle is a 9.4/10 because its amazing and finally the story, its quite the "silly"....... 10/10.

so zhats all from the scout of tf2, will be recommendin gto my medicafter i steal another full heal from him.

(also if theres any other games i should check out please  do tell me)

a man is holding a baseball bat and a cooler with an arrow pointing down and the words pass the health kit down

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guys should i try out this game or  should i ignore?

guys i dont feel like dowloading this game, tell me if i should ill check comments tomorrow, now i go sleep.

Goodnight Chat GIF

This game got me to try hazelnut latte, it was good but no cum in it,  9.39/10

a pixel art drawing of a boy wearing a hat and headphones .


House Chores community · Created a new topic scout tf2.

Heyo whats up guys today scout tf2 (me) will be scouting this game that was recommended by non other than pyro, remember to follow for more updates!

im so high on crimson right now you wouldn't believe itSteam Community :: Guide :: Weed TF2

guys write a response when update comes out ill be waiting.....

anyways did you know: scout is the fastest class in tf2

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wassup chat its ya boy, scout from tf2

now i gotta say, a lot of effort must have been put into this game its just great and the puzzles are so good i had to find a YouTube video for it too, funny woman girl thingy idk android and the story overall is great too

anyways im giving it a 9.8/11 ill give it a 11/11 and tell about this game to all of my 2fort pals if i get early access for free :)

that's all from scout of tf2, see you on the next comments section.

im lazy someone tell me what DxD means

i just said im lazy

im lazy so im gonna ask what 0.7.0 adds

me after seeing the art for my first time: why tf does that look like ai art?

hello great sir can i pls get gaem free ill swear ill give it a 10 of 10 and tell about it to pyro 🙏

10 out of 10 you can ruin the church in the game will tell about this game to medic on 2fort

pretty good lookin, wont play it cuz i dont wanna be a nerd bunny.

y e s

"meanwhile me watching all the pictures tryna find the *******"

man i gotta tell about this game to pyro i heard she likes cats

freakin unbelivable

miss pauling wake the [2fort] up a new update dropped.

dude i gotta tell about this game to pyro hell love this game.

wassup its ya boy, scout from team fortress 2, and today im gonna rate this "sppoky" game i found on itched io

this has a lot of effort put into it and the art is great + gameplay is fun too

ill rate this a *drumroll*   


thats all cya in 2fort.


wassup lads and its me here, the scout from the fortress.

so this game is truly great, ill rate it 9.9/10

the reason being bit of a short game but the animation is so great

this is basicly quality over quantity, keep it up lad.

yo wassup chat its ya boy, scout from tf2 with another rating of funny games for 18+ (dont tell piss mauling)

anyways ill rate this a 7.9/10 its a great game with a great story but im more into the animated dancin on the bed scenes out here so yeah see you in another comment sectiooon.

i am the scout here.

t h e n  t e l l  u s  i n  t h e  s t a r t  i  a i n t  m o t i v a t e d  i f  i  d o n t  k n o w  a b o u t

uhhh yeah ill continue on this game when it gets a gallery ill check on comments still.

hmmm over 13 girls.... 3.3k renders.... 280+ animations? FOR FREE?? say less.

also im the real scout that dowloads funny games give me recommendations

10/10 theres more attention to detail and gameplay than the original game (havent yet dowloaded the game)

4/10 it helped me on my math test on school (class dismissed thanks to me forgetting sounds on)

5/10 cured my cancer but dad went to find milk (scout lore)

or am i a scout

am i a spy or am i your teams spy?