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A member registered Apr 22, 2017

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Hey there,

Did not play the first demo, so no comparisons to the prior version. Liked what I saw so far. A breakdown of what i think follows:

  1. Movement
    1.  Feels fine/good. I like the animations.
    2. Initially I felt like the jump was a little short in terms of overall height, but the floatiness while holding is interesting. It allows for further jumps horizontally while still limiting you vertically. If that was intentional, then it works perfect. I got used to it quickly.
    3. Magnet pushing me off a ledge while aiming caught me off guard
  2. The design elements of the game worked great for me. The only things I can think of that could use attention:
    1. I'm not sure, but weren't the arrow directions of the attractor/repulsor fields changing when switching polarity? Wasn't really an issue.
    2. The tilted switch was weird to interact with. It felt a bit fumbly. It works very well as a visual though!
    3. At one occurrence I felt the option to drop down through the "pass through floors", through which you currently can only traverse upwards, was missing. But only because I was expecting it. Not, because it was particularly necessary.
  3. Level Design (I assume this is supposed to be a puzzle game and judge it as that)
    1. Level difficulty was easy. Which I don't consider a problem: They felt like typical starter levels and maybe one of the reasons why they felt so easy was because of a very clean design language that just clicked and a very distilled level design. I liked that a lot.
    2. One or two levels were a little bit flawed from the logistical perspective, requiring me to do retries though I already knew in my head how to solve them.
    3. The level where the half-square-switch-doorway-thingy did not require a magnet was probably the weirdest. I was thinking for a moment whether something did not work as intended because it basically solved itself just by moving after the first half.
    4. Level 6. Well,... how to start? I feel the need to explain how I solved it, because I'm not sure it was the right answer. That's already a big alarm bell for me. I threw the magnet in the stream, switched polarity in the right moment so that it was flung onto the switch and jumped over the gap in the right moment. I really did not like that. It was probably the easiest level in a weird way but was hard to pull of. And because it was the last level and I expected it to be harder, I was doubting myself all the time: Is *that* really the solution? It felt random, inelegant :(

Luckily I started with level 6 just for fun and after that the other levels were way nicer to tackle, though not a particular thinking challenge, except maybe one for one or two moments.

Just to put this into perspective: I'm not super intelligent and on top lack patience and get frustated easily. I managed to play through games like The Witness and Braid, but had a hard time with them and did not 100% them even remotely. So I am probably pretty average.

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Maybe it's a deliberate design choice but what could be so wrong with having separate strafe buttons?

Ooooh, I see. it was for a gameboy jam? Makes sense now ^^'

Great mechanic. Got a little easy once the erasers were introduced.

(1 edit)

It's a little bit easier with the secret 4th jump but the confusing control scheme makes up for it. Is having a "change keys" setting in unity still a pain in the ass? i hoped they got rid of that by now.

Besides that almost a pristine game for such a short time! I love the sound effect when you leave the body.

EDIT: the desktop app still needs some work. sorry for the triple comment :D

Quite nice. Sound is somewhat exhausting.

Quite nice. Sound is somewhat exhausting.