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Scroll The Adventurer

A member registered Nov 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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According to the rules:

Interpret the ‘elements’ of folklore and myths as your see fit, but this could include: small local myths and urban legends; religious tales, epics, worship, rituals, rites, traditions; relationships between higher beings and humankind; cryptids, ghosts, monsters and classic beasts; magic, powers, hidden worlds, etc.

So it seems like you're good. I'm pretty excited to see what you come up with :)

Amazing game. For someone who literally just tweeted about learning Unity a few days ago, I have to say, it's a masterpiece. I'm featuring it on this weeks Wonder Rod Wednesday video.

But no, for realsies, Cry. Not bad. I didn't like Unity one effin bit. Even a simple game like this would have annoyed me to make. Still, if you ever want to make some complex stuff with a difficulty, I suggest looking into Unreal. I personally like it a lot more. Pretty easy to use, and there's a billion tutorials out there as well as one of the least toxic communities that are actually willing to help people.