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A member registered Jul 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback. For the sound it was difficult to use something that would fit for the multi-bullet. I wish I had more time to fix a lot of the little things. 

Enjoyed the challenge on this one and liked the color changing concept.

Loved the concept of using both hands. Loved the main character too. Great work

Loved the concept of using both hands. Loved the main character too. Great work

Once I understood that being in the health circle is important the game got a lot more fun. I also like how balanced the health circle was. Good work

Once I understood that being in the health circle is important the game got a lot more fun. I also like how balanced the health circle was. Good work

This was really well done!

Enjoyed plating it. My high score was 4060. I liked the difficulty curve. I think there were too many clouds, maybe lower the opacity so it blends better with the background. Good job!

Cool game very simple and the charge meter adds more difficulty. Would recommend getting some background music. Great job!

Classic art style and a neat atmosphere.  I liked the different attack animations and that the bigger enemies took two hits.

I loved the characters, level design and music!