The game should work now. Thanks for reporting! (It seems changed its usual CDN which broke the game).
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Thank you for your suggestion. Actually I was thinking about adding a story to the game. I thought of something similar to the story-line from the Zachtronics games. But I have chosen a different path. I think the game should be close to the "pure experience" of chess or go. Personally, I rather aim for simplicity and remove any part that is not essential to a pure geometric experience. Some of reasons for this approach are explained and elaborated on by Jonathan Blow in his famous talk "Video Games and the Human Condition".
I'm glad you like the game! Please, send your construction(as a sketch file) to me, I'll take a look. (How to save your construction as a sketch file => In settings, select Toolset = full, then on the toolbar you will see a V-shaped button (You may need to switch to full-screen mode to see the button). Click on the button, it opens a popup menu. If you select "Export to JSON", then your browser downloads "sketch.json". Please, send this file to )