It's crazy how I discovered all this right as LOK was releasing! Anyway, I know my Christmas plans now: doing all these!
A member registered Jul 03, 2023
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Cool! I'm gonna try it out! Were you inspired by BoBoGram in the making of this puzzle?
Also, I'm reading that BoBoGram was inspired by Abdec:, another pencil and paper "discover the rules" puzzle!
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Great game, but I couldn't finish it because one of the later levels (one with Preta, Bird, and Snake), I couldn't get Snake to appear, no matter how many times I restarted.
I was wondering if you might consider making a level maker for this game? There might be a way to encode / decode level files so that people can download and import them from each other by sharing w/o the need to store them on a server. Just an idea.