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A member registered Aug 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Not Mom making fun of me at the barbeque for NOT being a picky eater!!! "Oh. Do you want the kitchen sink too?" And then Mommy being like, "It's great that you like so many different foods." I'm insecure... MOTHER PLEASE!!!"

Are Casey and Chole supposed to be twins or are they meant to be a year or two apart? :)

Love this game!!! It's so wholesome and Casey is my favorite. Chloe is a very close second. Keep up the good work. <3

This... This is one of the best games I've ever played. The ending had me in tears. All I can manage to say is "Wow..." This is fantastic all the way through.

The menu says there are mods. Where can I find them? Or was it something that was going to be included, but never came to fruition?

Aside from the obvious feature, this is a masterpiece in every aspect. The story is funny, thrilling, and wholesome. This is a top tier game and I wish I could rate it higher than 5 stars.


If i could rate this game 100 stars, I would. It is so amazing. I just started Stage 2 and did the Mirror memory. Thank you for including so many personal options for Mc. It really made me feel seen and brought me to tears. ❤️

I got into Mist a few weeks ago and I'm already nearing the end. This game is absolutely phenomenal. The story, animation, music, and scenery is all mind blowing. I will definitely be buying the game and playing through it many times. I feel a real connection to the girls. Thank you for putting so much work into making your game amazing.

This was an amazing game. I'm so happy I got to experience it. :D

I can't even get past the shower... :(

1.) I am LOOOVING this game!!! I am always so excited to play when I get off work. The story is so engaging and interesting. It's spectacular. 

2.) When I download the updated file, will I have to restart or will my save transfer?

I am so excited for the full game release. I started playing this a few months ago and it quickly became one of my favorite games. Not only is the gameplay fun, but the story is SUPER engaging and interesting.

(1 edit)

Yes. There is a magic wand button in the house where you change their outfits. It turns futa mode on and off.