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Sebastian Nyberg

A member registered Jul 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you SplitHare! Yes I totally agree, I could have put a little more effort in the jumping mechanics.

I love the graphics of the game. It looks really cool!

The theme of the game suits the jam perfectly and stands out from other games I've played so far! Great job!

Thank you The Lone Wolf! I'm super glad you like the game :)

Omg! That was exactly what I though it looked like too when I finished the character animation xD I should start making Lego games haha.

I'm so happy that the game turned out as an inspiration for you and I'll wish you good luck learning the Unreal Engine. It is a awesome and easy to use engine when you get the hang of it.

Thank you loime!

(1 edit)

Thank you larzonez!

Hahaha wow this game is really a challenge. I got stuck on level 4 because of my bad skills xD Sometimes the movement feels clunky but otherwise a really cool game and fun mechanics.

I actually started on adding gamepad support until I realized that I had other more important things to fix. Sorry about the lack of camera functionality and thanks for playing the game!

Thank you GeriGames, that makes me really happy to read! The enemy AI is definitely something I will improve in later games. I will check your game out! :)

Thank you for playing Gate Traveler berbecarul. Yes indeed, I would had worked more on the AI if I weren't so busy. And I agree a avoidable projectile would be way better :)

Thank you Hopeless Productions. I will definitly learn how to improve that for next time. Thank you for playing my game.

Thank you petrus! That actually helps me alot. Thanks for playing my game.

I really like the physics of the characters and the ghosts cloth. Great progress!

Well thank you SlitHare. Matthews tutorial have been very helpful, same with my knowledge of game developing thanks to Unity.

AdamStrange this is very inspiring. Have made this engine yourself?

Cool grappling hook you got there. Great job!

Thank you AdamStrange! It was really simple to do, just a change of color on the spotlight component and changing of materials on the eye if the robot sees you. I'm still working on a good way to attack the enemies.

So I have been using Unity for about 3 years. Recently I got really inspired by Matthew using the Unreal Engine 4.

Here is my 2 days progress of learning Unreal Engine!

Man I love the art for this game. It's really fun too!