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A member registered Jun 30, 2020

Recent community posts

What is th mc's age I can't really tell?

I haven't played the game yet but how many love interests are in this?

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Is Roderick a love interest or nah? And when do each route start?

Has anyone else put their name as "my butt" to see how the characters would put your name in a sentence and once you've read the sentence you laugh or is it just me?

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Has anyone else put their name as "my butt" to see how the characters would put your name in a sentence and once you've read the sentence you laugh or is it just me?

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I love the game so far, one problem I have with it tho is that there are no quotation marks to know if the mc is speaking to someone or of he is thinking.

Is the update sched somewhere around the last week or the last day of the month?

Why does my phone say app not intalled when i try to install it?

How do you blackmail the commander?

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I noticed something in the gallery with Teak a small part of his scar is missing when topless but when naked the missing part is now there I think some parts of his tanktop are still there from his casual look, its a small thing but just trying to let you know.

What was the update?

What was the update?

Umm who is it?

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Is there a love interest in this game?

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The wolf and panther are so cute.

I just wanna squish their faces!! 


What was the update?

What is the update schedule?

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Why are there 2 version of the same update? ( I'm new to this vn)

I did not know that Killigan's age is 28 until now.

Android version is fan-made. It will always be posted some time after the normal builds. -Hyao

For some reason my phone is having trouble downloading the game.

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When is the next update? because Im excited for more.

Where do you find the 2nd piece with symbols in the junkyard?

How do you get Harold's day 20 sex scene?

What is the update schedule?

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How do you

 get sex scenes?

How do I get past start I can't find the thing the character is looking for because I accidentally skipped what he said?

.. / .-.. --- ...- . / - .... .. ... --. .- -- . / ... --- / -- ..- -.-. .... / .. / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .-- .- .. - / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / -. . -..- - / ..- .--. -.. .- - .

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Huh?but I was playing noble and I still got to have sex with the wolf, all i did was get drunk with him.

What is the update schedule because I don't know?

When will Maccon's route come out?