Good job! Glad to see you finally had that figured out.
Recent community posts
When I copy previous saves into the new version's save folder, they don't appear in the game, including the StarterSave. That is, until I make an in-game save of prefered name (e.g. file 16, same with the starter), then use prefered save to replace the new one, then they would work as wished. Is this how transfer saves always worked?
A few years back a friend of mine who studies political science warned me that emerging technology has enabled governments to exert unprecedented control on the public, which they will try to actualize without a doubt. How ironic it is to think that the age of information technology has, contrary to hopes of technological pinoeers, brought us greater concentration of wealth and power in the world. And now the coming of AI is going to make it worse. Looks like we are actually going to see cyberpunk dystopia with our own eyes. What a time.