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A member registered Mar 15, 2019

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 Another amazing story. The improvements in user QoL for replays are also great to see.

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What was the 12/08/23 update? Download file still says 2.5, and all I can tell at a glance is a few more files total than the old 2.5.

You did a great job overall, and "A little off" beats some of the "I have physically hurt my wrist because a porn game maker wants mega mashing in their game 'or it would be too easy'" results I have seen. I also have odd luck with bugs devs thought they fixed years ago, so for what little you had being easy fixes and mostly working, that is still very solid results.

Spacebar fix seems wonky when you load a save? Loading an old save it did not work at all, but fresh game start it works perfect. Testing with an early game scene, it works flawlessly with a new game start, but then loading a save after that it is inconsistent for spacebar working or not. Might just be an issue with Renpy itself?

Minigames still feel just as hard on the 4th success in practice mode, though that might be down to needing to use a laptop instead of my desktop keyboard this week.

Finally got the chance to replay to unlock the full gallery and see the canon ending split. It was a great time and I'm looking forward to whatever you make next. (Even if 4 out of 5 is where my sour meter preference tops out). Also always encouraging to see fixes to the strange bugs I have bad luck with. 

 Minigame Feedback; actually trying to WIN the breast smother minigame, the 4th one is just way too abrupt and fast. I can get the first 3 perfect, then usually fail trying to get the 4th. My success at it was by... randomly mashing the mouse button nonstop. And when button mashing before a minigame even starts is how you are fast enough, that is too fast.

 Headscissors: first three success are fine, but 4th success I need to basically stand up and use both hands to turbo mash to clear it. Why do so many porn games have painful button mashing? So, the 4th success seems overtuned again here. (Which makes it kind of funny that the first success can win even if I don't press anything).

General feedback: Replaying the escape sequence in the interrogation room, I have no idea what actually fails it fastest. Which made replaying failure routes a bit awkward.

I also just now realized none of the mingames are for Hannah. Lucky for me I like Jazmine more (For anyone on the fence buying in favor of Hannah. She DOES get extended X-ray scenes just for her in the ending split routes, just no minigames.)

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2 Bugs seen so far. Wish you could use spoiler text in comments.

It seems some of the torture scenes have bodies, or parts of them, vanish? So far I have seen two when trying a failure run at first.

1: Failing bodyscissors, you both are missing. Only the X-ray ribs and her legs appear during squeezes then vanish. Art returned to normal after. (Was windowed mode at first, still happened in fullscreen mode).
2: Endgame, not snitching. Guy's face and hand are missing at first, they come back quickly.

Game is great even with those odd quirks so far, and I bought it the second I got the email it was for sale. So hopefully getting back to other, winning minigames runs will go smoother.

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Your post gives me flashbacks to so many indie games where even when I stun the boss as part of their intended pattern, they still dodge/I miss. And the dev at best admits "That isn't supposed to happen. I put dodge chance as low as it goes in the engine."

This is cool, and you are cool for making it.