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A member registered Mar 14, 2021

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 Hello unfortunately I am not using twitter, skype isnt working for you? Or we can use gmail chat if you give me your gmail. What about saturday afternoon? Somewhere between 12 - 17 00 CET? Thank you


Thank you for your superfast answer and sorry for my late response, here in east we have slower internet :D ( joke). I will try to answer ASAP now.

You have a lot of good points about app. I am not sure if you understand me in each point. Please can we schedule quick call / chat on skype? We can solve everything within few minutes and I will prepare graphics for  quick better understanding . I am the same fan as you into poker and I think this ideas could be interesting for everyone. Thank you very much

Hello thank you for pokerwatch, I appreciate it so much.

About future improvements I have few suggestion which will be helpful for me :

1.add sound when someone is outkicked out of tournament

2. We have prizepool points + cash reward, in this case we will appreciate adding 2 numbers into the prize pool (cash and points).

3. add option to choose currency (included option to let i blank, without any currency just number)

4.As I mentioned in point 2, we are playing yearly league, and players are earning points for each tournament, it will be very nice if we can see  somewhere top5-10 players (I will add name and points manually before each tournament starts)

I don't know how much you are busy, but if you can do this changes for me , I can send you some money reward or if you are busy and not interested in it, Can you share source codes with me? Thank you very much!!

Hello thank you for pokerwatch, I appreciate it so much.

About future improvements I have few suggestion which will be helpful for me :

1.add sound when someone is outkicked out of tournament

2. We have prizepool points + cash reward, in this case we will appreciate adding 2 numbers into the prize pool (cash and points).

3. add option to choose currency (included option to let i blank, without any currency just number)

4.As I mentioned in point 2, we are playing yearly league, and players are earning points for each tournament, it will be very nice if we can see  somewhere top5-10 players (I will add name and points manually before each tournament starts)

I don't know how much you are busy, but if you can do this changes for me , I can send you some money reward or if you are busy and not interested in it, Can you share source codes with me? Thank you very much!!