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SedEcu Studios

A member registered Jan 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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The 3 keys are left by the respective 3 npcs after completing their quests

just, try to find every H scene, complete the 2 specials (halloween and christmas), and that's it.
Ohh! repeating H scenes will not rise their stats, unless the scene has added content the 2nd time (or 3rd or 4th... etc)

1) Perversion 40+ (both characters).
2A) With Cassiel, recieve a punish and a prank in her Waitress Job.
2B) With Saaphire, recieve a punish and a prank in her Nun Job.
3) After that, just go to sleep and you will recieve the quest.

hi, thank you for reporting it, I will fix it for the next update

Thank for report it, it will be fixed in the next update 

if the upper floor is still locked, maybe you have to click the door in the Main Room, to access its bathroom, there you will find the way to unlock the stairs.

Actually I don't really know the max points for that at this moment, but you can ignore it, cuz I'm still thinking what to do with that quest.

yeah, the slums aren't fully implemented yet.

el juego aún está en Alpha, hay muchas cosas que son solo placeholders o que no están implementadas todavía, lo más normal es que hayas llegado al límite de las misiones principales, pero también es posible que te falte contenido por ver, la gran mayoría de escenas H que están en el juego son fuera de la historia principal.

Debes haber completado la misión secundaria "Abren Negocios" el npc que está en la Calle Secundaria del Pueblo le venderá a Cassiel las pastillas para dormir.

(1 edit)

You need the find the necklace, only appears when you got its quest, if I remember well, after completing Cassandra's diary, then finish the event having the necklace in your inventory.

link updated.

the other 2 aren't available yet, they are just placeholders

Actually, in v0.1.2, you will have access to the Gallery, and even if you avoid a missable H scene, it will be unlocked in the gallery, so since v0.1.2 you will not need so much saves.

Actually, in v0.1.2, you will have access to the Gallery, and even if you avoid a missable H scene, it will be unlocked in the gallery, so since v0.1.2 you will not need so much saves.

That's the actual limit of the main quests, but there is more side content in general, like side quests or the Halloween and Christmas Special

Sorry, no.

Hello, the plant is in the slums, behind some wood in a wall (Sapphire) 

The other thing, you reached the limit of main quests for now

Hello, yeah, I want to participate.

A categorized gallery is planned, so you will note which events you are missing or you already watched 

Hi, yes, I want to add that content in some future, it will have some advice and be optional cuz that content is not liked for everyone. But surely I will add that.

Hi! And yes, It is planned for a bit far future update

Hi, you reached the limit of the main quests for now

Con Sapphire, usando la ropa clásica, en los suburbios de noche, inspecciona las tablas/agujero en la pared

yes, that quest is in development.

Ohh! I'm actually not too familiar with itchio, I don't understand the site well yet. That's the reason.

ohh! That's a bug, thank you for reporting it, I will fix it for the next udpate

that is just a placeholder, those 2 outfits aren't available yet

Yes, the H scenes are animated

maybe is something incompatible with your phone, thousand of users play it on Android without this problem, you are the first one actually.

as the "known issues" say:
- "Blue Stones" quest can't be completed

Hi, yes, and yes, the characters are still made with com3d2, but with better mods, and this is a spin-of prequel

Hello, yes, that's a known issue that will be fixed in the next update (0.0.6)

I have no plans for now, the game is finished, so I'm working in my 2nd project. 

Maybe in late future I will add some content. 

Yes, it is finished, and this is the latest changelog (just bug fixes) :

- Final Chapter: Fixed a bug that let you finish the final fight before the main event with Khadna and reaching an incorrect ending if you have a hard Kind route.

- Her Prologue: Now the 'unfinished route' its called 'abandoned route' if you fail the QTE with Grynesha.

- Her Prologue: After failing the QTE with Grynesha another tutorial message will appear (for people who didn't read the first one).

- Chapter 2: Fake 'Game Over' screen removed to avoid confusion, still same destiny because Grynesha is too weak at this point, no matter what you do.

Android port added