On the bottom floor of the school on the west side.
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I love the idea of freeroam and multiple characters. Sort of something I'm going for with the Asuka/Natsuru narrative but I do have other ideas as well related to multiple characters. Freeroam will have to be something added towards the end of the development, I want to focus on the story and routes/endings for now.
'Naked Adventure' was great, loved that game. I would love to add something where a sprite is onscreen, which changes depending on whether you're running, crawling or walking, with changes in outfit (or lack of) represented.
I'm going to try and make sure that the game will be playable via browser for as long as possible.
Yeah, ver 0.2 has a lot of bugs at the moment. Sounds, BGM etc will all come in future updates but as I'm working on the game solo, its going to take a long time before its in a polished state.
As for the last question, a fair few of these games are built using the RPG Maker engines. For example, this one is being built in RPG Maker MV. By default, these games include RPG-style stats, health bars etc that help beginner programmers get started with basic battle systems and stats etc.
Games can be customized though so that we can remove or replace all of that, but I haven't got to the stage of customizing the UI yet. That being said, the game will need some stats, so some will remain.
I appreciate any and all bug reports and feedback. Let me know if you find any!
Thumbnails are massive, bloody hell...
Updates on Patreon, tl:dr trying to update more.
Hi! I'm glad your enjoying it! So because the game is still in early stages, there's still a lot of bugs that need ironing out. The computer room and the library are still unfinished and I can say there's no exhibitionist spots or events in there... yet. The third spot for exhibitionism is in a difficult place and in the next version release, it's going to be moved, but its in the top floor behind a shelf. If you explore around and mash the action button, it should pop up eventually.
Due to some recent health issues, progress on the game has stalled a lot but I'm hoping to have a release available soon!
I'll be honest, I completely forgot I'd already put the option in xD
When I'm playtesting the game, I don't have to start from the beginning every time, and because its been such a long time since I saw the beginning of the game, I forgot I'd already implemented something. Good going, past me! xD
I am going to have to go back to iron out a few bugs pretty soon, so I'll be able to make sure its working properly at least. Putting it both at the start and in the menus is a good idea though.
Health issues are getting better slowly, over the worst of it I think xD
Happy New Year!
Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Development has been slow the past few months due to some health issues amongst others but there should be a new version of the game out soon!
There will most definitely be watersports in the game, as its one of my big kinks as well. However, to make sure I don't scare off the audience that may not enjoy it, watersports and one or two other kinks will need to be enabled via an in-game toggle. Still debating where to put that toggle but it'll be somewhere.
Asuka may very well be the one that teaches Natsuru the pleasures of watersports or maybe Natsuru will stumble upon it herself? The possibilities are endless, so look forward to it! :D
Yup, there's a lot of tweaks that need fixing with the game. Hopefully by the time the next version comes out, most of those will be fixed. Stay tuned for more!
Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I'll try and break down your points as best I can but I'll preface by saying that everything you mentioned is definitely something that needs to be worked on. I've made a list of every issue you mentioned and will try and get them all fixed by the next update.
One of the reports that seem to be common is when playing as Asuka and being unable to find the last exhibitionism scene. In the next update I'm going to move the event marker into an easier spot location and streamline future events so that the player doesn't spend as much time looking for them. I'm hoping to include a 'Hints' option on the main menu that should help point players into the right direction.
More puzzles are definitely in consideration for the future. At the moment, things are a little barebones but I definitely have plans to add challenges along the way.
In terms of the avatars, everything will eventually be replaced by hand-drawn art, including the 3D sprites and text box sprites. At the moment, bar one or two items like the prologue CG, everything is placeholder until I can finish the art in a future update. Same applies to the majority of the music.
I'm hoping by the next update the school will be completely finished, as well as finally being able to let the player wander the town and enter a sandbox where you'll be able to explore for more events and the like.
The wall walking and "I'm not finished exploring" bugs will also be fixed by the next update.
Thanks again for letting me know and I hope you'll be able to enjoy Natsuru Roshutsu in the future!