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A member registered Dec 19, 2022

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It seems like the 2007 version is fake, but in my theory, there were a lot of videos talking about the client, and the state is actually real, the icons from 2007 - 2008 are really simillar, but just with unoticable changes.

(6 edits)

Nobody has ever found the 2006 or 2005 clients, they are just modded hacks. That exe file "RBLXDynablox.exe" had some misspelling on that, as "Dynablox" was not even close to what it was named before, "Dynablocks." I will do some research on Wayback Machine to find some actual things, maybe a download for the version, i will do the research, and update for you guys to check it out. Plus the exe name file had "RBLX" short for ROBLOX, so that exe file might be a recreation or a mod from some user.

Update: Stumbled upon a blog for the request, there had two links, both of them deactivated.

Stumbled in lost media wiki, that offered the original setup.exe from the broken website on the wayback machine, follows the link below

The setup will automatically download. :)

Status is still blank, updating in a few minutes :)

YREEEEEEESSSSSSSS, The download worked.

Only the client works, the Play ROBLOX app is totally unusable.

The most popular old client found was the March 2007 client. I highly think it's a modded version of March 2007 client, or maybe August 2007.

I highly doubt that the 2006 ROBLOX client was found, all of my researches i had done on the 2006 client were just modded versions of March 2007 clients, the 2005 version of Dynablocks (including the oldest version found, GoBlocks from 2003), it was supposedly "found", as i stumbled upon an April 1st joke video by GroovyDominoes52. So i'll flag these 2 versions as lost for now.