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A member registered Jan 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Later note, LOVED the art book. I'm really enjoying reading the progress, the concept art pieces plus the reality of making background art is jarring in an impressive way. 

How lighting changes the feel of a scene and how it displays the view for the player as well. 

I just had to build up the phrase (Is it okay..I'm a mess) it hit me in a thoughtful wonder in how I could visually present the questioning and isolation.

(1 edit)

I was thrown for loop for how the game unfolded itself but ohh the sweet moments in between opening up to Kalei and wondering about Geist's intentions.  It made me recount moments in my university life and still that dreading voice trying to reach me.

Great selection of voice actors, the 2D was beautiful to see, I am getting the art book as well.

I really relished in confronting Geist, I just had relief for the MC and how the endings played out the changes bit by bit.

Swooned and scorned by the existence of a hot living dead guy.

I wasn't expecting such variations in the endings based on the choices which elevated the playback experience twice over, yay! Still, the build-up of each interaction made me start to sweat about the number of matches being struck.  I really enjoyed the dialogue with each of the characters and how the choices were reflected in the writing throughout the storyline. This was so sweet to play into the new year.  

Good luck with your future projects. 

I'm intrigued by how the choices changed each interaction with varying outcomes, hugely impressed by the writing in that and details of each branching. 

The colors and the sprites have a pop art look and are classy. The different forms of bullies are chilling but make it believable but Britteny X(  

Course I'm curious how the tie-in for the poems will be explored or visually presented too.

I'm a sucker for yandere plots, characters, and spiraling thought processes. I wish you luck in this project and where it'll develop further. 

Happy New Year. 

I really really enjoyed playing this game thoroughly. All these characters and getting that backstory on them was a beautiful touch. Thanks for creating this.