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Sempiternal Rain

A member registered Feb 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Yes, that's right. you very much!!! Unfortunately, I do not plan to continue working on game, as I am working on another project :) I am very glad you appreciated it! 

Hi! I glad to hear your words, thanks!

Hi! Thanks! 

"True, the window for choosing a companion did not disappear and closed the text of message.  " you need to press the button again to open this window, and this window will close.

Regarding the error, this is how it should be, you turned off the computer and the game closed :)

Spasibo, Slava!

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Hello, Alexander! Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, I'm currently working on another project. Snowfalls mystery is my little experiment for the sake of experience. I am very glad that you liked the game! Thanks!

Very unusual game with different cutscenes and intresting plot about anorher worlds

Hi, my friend! Thank you for good words. What language did you play the game in?<3<3<3<3

Hi, it looks so cute. I like art style in your game:) I hope it happy end in the last part of game. Thanks a lot!

It seems atmospheric

I'm glad you liked it :)

Thanks a lot, 

for a good plot


Hmm, it looks cute. I like of girls, so pretty good. I speak english so bad, and i dont get all part of plot, but i hope, is this happyend and bad dream is end? Thanks you for game!

Thanks you a lot!

Благодарю, Жак Фреско!

Thank you A LOT!!!!

Thanks you for your feedback!

Thanks you for this cute and inspired game. I love winter too<3 

This game is better than you previous project, you became more skilled!

(1 edit)

I hope this is not prohibited by the rules. I'm not asking you to vote for my game, but I really tried to make it beautiful and exciting.This is a psychological interactive novel about a mysterious floppy disk

This game have vibes of "Milk inside..." project. Ambient on background so calm, and the of the game inpire me in this winter. Thanks you Slavikus39 and akkul for this expirience!

I tried my best, thank you!<3<3<3

Oh, i'm so glad with your good words! Thank you!

Hi, I uploaded the game. You can try it now! I hope this game will not disappoint you.

 Hi, I uploaded the game. I hope this game will not disappoint you. :)

So sorry, i need 1-2 hours to fix my bugs and errors in game


That's so unsual concept in your game. It impessed me. This idea breaks stanadrs of game industry, use my mind. It manipulate my consciousness, and my psyche. It surprised me!!! Thank you!

Thanks a lot!

Coming soon...

Even Slava made frogs, but Seryoga didn't

Nice and cute small game. I was amused by some references to other games.