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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is a really solid horror VN, and it's horror in the way I like, more focusing on the psychological and even existential aspects. Looked up your team's works after playing the Of the Devil Demo and I really enjoyed this one. Especially with the tie-ins to Of the Devil, laughed when I first saw heartbreak mentioned.

Contacting them I think it makes it easier to negotiate with the French/British for a reduction reparations.

This one is super interesting! I did take a peak behind the curtains (aka looked at the source code) and it was really interesting to see what options were presented and what not.

This is a really interesting game, it definitely feels unfinished but I think it has an interesting subtext. I wonder if you've read 'seeing like a state', because to me it seems to criticize the idea that a government can easily fix problems a nation has. It's first brought up in the Think Big segment, where no matter what you do, what projects you build or in what order, the National party can't fix the economy. And then with the neoliberal reforms of Labour, it seems to present these reforms as a universal good that exclusively does good things... at first. You see the improvements in numbers, but you don't see the actual effects it has until after you've done it.

That's not to say I agree with the perspective, but it does seem like a critique of a lot of grand strategy games and that sort of perspective, which makes it interesting.

Same issue as Stad, but I did also want to say it's a great game so far. It's very interesting to play, and has a lot of potential.

Honestly like it a lot. A little slow in the middle, would be nice with some extra flavor, but really nice!