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Sensei Xiongmao

A member registered Jul 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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this is true !

BOOO, this game sucks. 0/10 would not play again.

1/5 stars, this game kinda garbage bro...

someone tell the dev to make better games...

thanks, after updating extensions the effects work correctly now

bug report for v1.0.3-stable:

it seems that the effects have stopped working completely and also leave the screen dark after closing them. this also happens with some other popups, while others undo the screen darkening. i have also noticed some graphical errors like flickering triangles, however i think the video fps is too low to see them here

+ when using arrow keys to move around the canvas or move a selection: pressing an arrow key, then pressing a perpendicular arrow key, then releasing either key, causes the movement to go in the unreleased key's direction twice

bug report (v1.0):

when selecting multiple layers and using the move tool to move them simultaneously, all layers adopt the opacity of the last layer selected. feels similar to one of my previous bug reports in which selecting multiple frames and exporting would cause them to adopt the opacity of the last frame selected

hello, thanks for the responses

1. sorry, i was mistaken. the program doesn't crash - it freezes, particularly on larger drawings. it does unfreeze if you wait long enough, so just a cpu/memory limitation/problem or somethin.

3. 16 seems to be enough

8. i see. i'd also like to add a related problem i've noticed: the preview does not update until you move far enough. it seems to snap at a certain number of pixels, and it scales the bigger the canvas is.

+ When using move tool, the pixels become misaligned with the pixel grid until let go

Loving the release candidate. Just a few problems/suggestions here and there:

- Checking the fill shape option in the curve tool just crashes the program once you double click

- Popup windows close themselves when focusing on another window and then focusing back on pixelorama

- The draggable area for resizing popup windows is kind of small

- Not sure how raw color is supposed to work, but the sliders go all the way up to 100 and only values up to 1 seem to actually affect the color

- When playing the animation only on frames of the same tag and clicking on a frame with a different tag from the one currently playing, the animation simply goes back to the frames with the tag that was originally playing. it would be nice if the animation continued playing from the clicked frame and then playing only the frames that share its tag instead of having to pause the animation, click on the frame, and continue the animation

- It would be nice to be able to instantly zoom to different levels, like in the godot engine editor where you can press 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to zoom in to 100%, 200%, 400%, and so on. i understand that there is an integer zooming option but my personal problem with that option is that it feels too imprecise when zoomed far out and too slow when zoomed close in

- When manually typing in the value of the canvas rotation and zoom level, bringing the cursor into the canvas deselects them

Aside from that, absolutely brilliant program as ever.

This does seem like a smoother way to do it, and I wondered at first why this is not already how it works, but I think it might actually make drawing precise or straight lines a bit difficult, so I think this would be better as a toggleable option. Maybe call it "dynamic brush centering" or something.

Sorry for the late reply, Itch takes 4 hours to notify me for some reason.

Good to hear, though. Thanks.

bug report: selection becomes misaligned with pixel grid when going two directions simultaneously using arrow buttons (please see attached video demo)

Good to hear.

I am indeed aware that the sliders can be increased in those ways, but there are moments in which I'd like to just quickly eye how far out I want to expand the canvas. I find the arrow buttons to be too slow for this and setting the value to be too finicky, so thanks for adding it in.

not sure if itch deleted my image or something, but i'm talking about the margin sliders in the tool options panel

(1 edit)

when using the crop tool, it would be nice to be able to drag these sliders out of bounds (drag the bottom and right margin farther than 64 and the top and left margin farther than 0)

Good to know, thanks.

Bug Report:
When selecting frames in the same layer with different opacities, clicking export causes them to all have the same opacity as the last frame selected.

oh yeah, i forgot you could that. definitely helps, thanks!

sometimes when i use onion skinning, i feel like the frame i'm not currently on is too opaque and i can't tell which frame i'm looking at. unless it's already a feature and i've somehow missed it, it would be nice to be able to change the opacity of previous/future frame(s)

(2 edits)

Oh dear, looks like I celebrated too soon. It's crashing again, different error in the log this time.

WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   at: cleanup (core/object.cpp:2070) - ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   at: clear (core/resource.cpp:417) - Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

ERROR: There are still MemoryPool allocs in use at exit!

   at: cleanup (core/pool_vector.cpp:63) - Condition "allocs_used > 0" is true.

This error message only showed up the first time it crashed, though. The succeeding crash logs are just empty. I suppose I'll just wait for v1.0?

Hey, just confirming that the crash no longer happens for me in v0.11.4. Thanks for fixing it!

That's alright. Nice to hear it'll be fixed though. Thanks

Yep, i am indeed on v0.11.3

(1 edit)

I like very much. However, i am often encountering crashes with this error in the log files:

ERROR: Can't resize PoolVector if locked.

   at: resize (./core/pool_vector.h:589) - Condition "alloc->lock.get() > 0" is true. Returned: ERR_LOCKED

I seem to only encounter this on projects with larger canvases. As far as I can tell, the crash is triggered whenever I am drawing with the pencil tool very quickly and I let go of it

Thank you so much! C:

The 32-bit version is indeed broken and I haven't been able to figure out why. So sorry about that :C