Nice! Thank you so much! Is more content planned in the future for the clinic?
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Oh wow, I'm sorry you have to listen to such nonsense. I love the game and would NEVER have EVER gotten around to linking the ship to slavery. And even if Paul had been clumsy with the wording in the context: What kind of concept does he have of slavery? He's young and inexperienced and he clearly commented on it in a humorous way without putting meaning into it. So it could easily have been part of the storytelling as well. This attitude "stone the artist, he has expressed himself clumsily" is absurd anyway. Have a nice Advent season and don't let it get you down. You apologized, topic closed.
Hey :) just bought the game! (An i Love it :D ) - I had 2 loops so far: 1 at the flower festival - it restarted over and over till i danced with all 3 possible chars. Atm i'm stuck at my second loop: Its the swimming contest on the 1st of Summer. I talked with every Char as much as possible, but after going home the event starts again. Save and Load didn't work :/