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A member registered Dec 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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huhu how do i do the last one

you use space to start a new game

its romeos bday

guys i think the best option is to just adorn it with flowers (I think im not sure)

yeahh its pretty good actually you should play it if u have the time (its free too) I downloaded mine on vgperson (its a site that translates japanese video games, you can find some translated RPG horror games aswell like misao,mad father, IB if  that's ur thing )

your turn to die, its a game kinda like danganronpa

pretty good! only got one ending so far but I like it . sometimes though even if I put in the right pairing it doesn't recognize that its right, IMO its only a minor setback do play it when you have the time!

why do the eyes remind me of yttd

(1 edit)

ok first are you joking or..? second, if ur not skull girls is a video game and the artstlye was similar so i thought it was that edit: nvm I saw ur post above you are joking XD

everyone posting random ass s@*& in the comment section huh

lemme guess... skull girls?