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A member registered Jan 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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That was a planned addition but unfortunately we didn't have enough time. Thank you for playing !!

Thumbs up! Lovely experience :)

Hello! Thank you for trying our game and for the kind words! It means a lot.
The movement is made to be like that but you dont have to spam keys, you can just hold em :)) And the letters near skills are more like indicators for attack(A) and defense(D)

(2 edits)

I looked through your review and am about to watch the stream and all I can say is WOW! I never expected someone to put this much effort into reviewing our game and it really means a lot to us. Thank you!

To go into more detail ab your comment:

  • the letters near the skills aren't hotkeys, only indicators like you said
  • there is a campfire in the second level if you go to the right and down
  • the attack stat only serves to unlock a higher damaging spell and the same goes for the defense stat
  • the sign at the beginning of the second level is there only to tell you ab the monsters
  • also, maybe we should have specified that only the pink or white grass has enemy encounters
  • the multitude of audio bugs and the credits screen being empty (those are my fault btw (: ) are because we finished the game for the game jam very late and rushed it

    Again thank you so so so much for the comment and all the effort you put into the review! You made me at least want to put in more and more effort into improving the game

    Thank you! All props goes to Osaki for the art, he's really good

    Thank you so much for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the game :))

    Thank you so much for he comment!
    It was made to be difficult :))


    art is fabulous